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14 Tips for More Restful Sleep
Sometimes sleep isn’t a priority for many of us in this modern fast-paced life. Back in the olden days, people would wind down and go to...
6 Ways to Practice Self Love
Recently, a person dear to my heart said to me, “Imagine if you loved & nurtured yourself the way that you love & nurture others. How...
Back Injury Prevention & Recovery
About six weeks ago, I injured my back and I now have a herniated disc between my L5 & S1 (basically my tailbone). When I went in for my...
HPV & Cervical Cancer
I know that this is more of a personal post, but I felt called to share this information. The reason being is that over 80% of people...
Apple Cider Vinegar Wellness Shot
I've taken this wellness shot almost every day for years now. It doesn't taste so great, but benefits are amazing. I notice a difference...
A New Trend: Celery Juice
While reading Medical Medium: Thyroid Healing, I discovered celery juice.. I learned a lot Anthony William's book, so I then decided to...
Post Vacation Detox
If you have recently overindulged on the junk food, skipped out on your workouts, or haven't been treating your body the way it deserves...
How to Break Your Morning Coffee Addiction
You wake up and the first thing that you think about is coffee. You can't function until you've had those few first sips. Once you finish...
Combat Your Hangover
With New Year's Eve coming up, I thought this article fight be helpful to some of you. Now I know what you’re thinking from the title of...
9 Natural Sick Day Remedies
Well, it's November and flu season is definitely here. Unfortunately, I've been sick with the flu for the last few days. I don't want any...
To Workout Or To Not Workout? (when you're sick?)
I get asked this question all the time, so I'm here to answer! If you feel a cold coming on and the symptoms you are experiencing are all...
Small Changes Every Day
I've recently started doing an in-person life & health coaching class with Natasha Durel of Natasha Durel Life Coaching in her office...
Why You Should Eat More Fruits!
People are often scared to consume a large amount of fruits because of the sugars they contain. They are afraid that eating more fruits...
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